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Older Elite Tribrid DVR and newer Starlite Vandal Dome 4MP camera
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Forum Posts: 89
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June 25, 2021 - 9:43 pm
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I am trying to get an older Tribrid ELE8M DVR to work with a new IPVD-ELES4IR28 IP camera.

The DVR allows channels 7 and 8 to be set as IP camera's. I have channel 8 set as IP. I did the IP search via the DVR camera page, found the camera and added it to the DVR.

Previously I had 2 wireless IP camera's set up on those channels and they worked as expected. (IPOB-EL2IREW)

When looking at an 8 camera view, the video from that camera will show up as one of the smaller videos showing across the bottom, however if I move it to the bigger frame it shows black.

It also shows black screen if I view 1 and choose channel 8 (assigned channel)... If I choose settings under motion detection (no video behind squares)... or on playback, even though there is motion detection events on the timeline of that channel AND the movement and camera indicators light on the regular monitoring screen so long as that camera is in a smaller area such as those in "View 8".

Am I throwing too much video resolution at that DVR, or any idea's what might be going on here? 

Jose Malave
Boca Raton, Florida
Forum Posts: 820
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June 28, 2021 - 8:31 am
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Hello Mark,


I hope all is well with you, the difference between the Matrix View and Single view move is Mainstream on the single view and extra stream on the Matrix view. Since your new camera is newer, please go to the encoding settings of the camera and ensure that both the main and the extra stream are set to H.264, your older recorder may not be able to do H.265.

 Jose Malave - IT Director| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 | E-mail: support@securitycameraking.com

Forum Posts: 89
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June 29, 2021 - 2:01 pm
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Thanks for the reply Jose.

I thought it might be something like that, but I was checking resolution on the DVR, not compression on either device.

Now I just have to figure out how I am going to walk my brother through making these changes! This is actually my old DVR I gave him when I upgraded to a Elite 16 channel NVR and went to all IP camera's. He is not real knowledgeable getting into these levels of changes and he is 200 miles away! I'll wait until I can sit on the   phone with him for as much time as it takes and get him through it! Your tech support has done the same for me many times over the years!

Have a great 4th weekend!

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