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Choice of make and model
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June 4, 2017 - 10:30 pm
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Hey everybody

Spending 4 hour getting more confused by the minute I need help picking the right make and model

I need outdoor surveillance package on my house..and the specs I require are the following

I need vandal proof (pref. dome), full HD, motion sensor guided cameras that record  via WIFI to a hard disk recorder, works great at night at least 50 ft (I have exterior lighting where the cameras will be placed) can tilt down since it'll be placed a little high, with battery backup in case of power failure, and are accessible via app on an android tabelt

I don't need smoke alarm, sound alarms or any other more or less useful trinkets, gadgets or functionality.... just a camera that can do just what I need in very good quality 

I live in Denmark and we use 220V here so it needs to be compatible without adapter

Please advice.. or ask for further clarification if needed

Best regards Regitze

Matthew Ernst
Forum Posts: 5
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February 17, 2016
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June 5, 2017 - 11:30 am
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I would be happy to help you choose the equipment that will best suit your needs. One thing I noticed that I would like to address is that you are only willing to use a 220v adapter. Our machines power supply are compatible with the 220v , however they come with the standard 110v cord. All you would need to have is a power supply that is compatible with the 220v current. With that being said I will be happy to discuss a compatible outdoor surveillance package for your house.

Please give us a call on the Securitycameraking.com sales line at  866-573-8878 option 2 , Or if you like you can reach out to me direct at 561-573-8878 ext117. 


With Regards,
Matt Ernst
Sales Representative

 Matt Ernst - Sales Representative| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 ext. 117 | E-mail: mernst@securitycameraking.com

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