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IP Wireless Camera Setup
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Forum Posts: 9
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June 9, 2020 - 10:25 pm
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I am wanting to setup a wireless IP camera in our lobby. I am wanting to connect it to a Windows Computer and be able to monitor camera on the PC. Also additional option would also to be able to monitor it on an iPhone. Can this be done. I see that there is a 4MP IP WiFi camera on your site. Would this work for me?

Is there any software that will allow the camera's recording to be stored on the PC or do you have to have a NVR?

Thanks in advance.


Randy Duly 

Eric Wilson

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June 10, 2020 - 10:46 am
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Yes, our 4MP wireless IP can work for this application.  Please do remember, however that a WiFi camera still needs power at the end of the day, so if where you intend on hanging your camera will require to you run power, you may want to consider running Cat 5/6 instead.  The camera itself can record to a microSD card (128 GB Max), which will get you about 4 days of continuous storage.  

There is PC Server software available, however if you're using the PC software to record the camera I'm not sure that you can access your recorded footage from your phone app, as the app is designed to connect directly to your camera.  A 4 Channel NVR with a 1TB hard drive isn't terribly expensive and might be a good investment to consider.  The final option would be to use FTP to backup your camera, either on a PC server or through a cloud service that allows for FTP hosting.  This would require more technical know-how, and if you're uploading to a remote server you may need to consult your ISP to determine your upload speeds and if you have any upload data caps that may be detrimental to your efforts.  

For overall ease of use and reliability, I recommend either recording to an NVR or microSD if you don't need too many hours of playback.

Hope this helps.  If you would like to order, please feel free to contact me at (866) 573-8878 ext. 137

Answers Post
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July 22, 2020 - 6:58 am
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Hi! This was quite informative for me as I'm also planning to set up a wireless IP camera in my home, at the front and back gates specifically. I have a Macbook pro and an Iphone11. Can I use the software in my lap then, to access the camera from my phone? Or should I go with a channel NVR? It’s for personal use, hence asking. Thanks in advance.

Eric Wilson

Forum Posts: 7
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July 22, 2020 - 9:54 am
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For consistency and ease of use I highly recommend using an NVR; it's the easiest and most consistent way to get your iPhone and MacBook to talk to your cameras.  Once again, I'd like to stress my original point about cabling regarding wireless cameras and ask you to consider how these are supposed to connect.  You say you want one at your front and and one at your back gate.  Does your personal home WiFi give you a good signal where you intend to hang those specific cameras?  Do you have local power outlets there?  If the answer to either of those questions is no, then WiFi is not going to be an appropriate solution for you. 

If you have direct line of sight from your home to the gates and local power, you can create a stable wireless connection with 2 of these: https://www.securitycameraking.....ac-bridge/.  If you've never worked on these, they can be pre-programmed for you for a service fee.  Then you are free to choose any IP camera available on our website.

I hope this can provide you some direction.  

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