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Canyouseeme not finding ports
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West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 20, 2014 - 4:51 am
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I can not find a way to get Canyouseeme to find the ports I have set up in my Linksys Router.

Info for setup:

Centurylink.net ISP provider for 8Mps DSL, connects to Westell model E99-610014-03 Rev H modem by phone connection, this connects to Linksys model BEFSR41 cable/DSL Router, Router connect to Sony VAIO VGC RBRB38G computer running Windows Media Center XP service pack 3 through Router port 3, also connects to HYBDVR-FE016480 through Router port 4. All connections except phone line are by CAT5 Ethernet cable.

I have set the HDVR Network settings up via the Main>Setting>Network menu to Mode Multi address, Default Ethernet Port to 1,Ethernet Card to Ethernet 1, IP Version to IPv4, DHCP unchecked, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway to match the info gotten via the Start>Run>CMD>ipconfig reading, and set the HTTP Port to 88, TCP Port to 37777, UDP Port to 37778, RTSP Port to 554, Max Connection 128, MTU 1500, Preferred DNS, Alt DNS 8.8.44, LAN Download unchecked. I have successfully logged into the HDVR via my computer and Firefox latest version. Firefox has the IE tab add on installed, and "Internet Security Settings - Internet Zone" option was set to "Prompt" for the "Download unsigned ActiveX controls. FYI the other ActiveX settings in the "Internet Security Settings - Internet Zone" are set as follow, Download Signed ActiveX controls re-set to "Prompt", Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting set to Disable, Only allow approved domains to use ActiveX without prompt set to Enable, Run ActiveX controls and plug-in's set to Enable, and Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting set to Enable.

This brings up another question, is it OK to set the Download Signed ActiveX controls I set to "Prompt" back to the default setting now that the needed ActiveX was installed, for future security?

I have successfully connected to the HDVR through Firefox and Web Service to both view live and do PTZ commands and view recorded files from my computer, however this does not come through the phone line.

I have also installed the email connection out from the HDVR and ran a successful test to my computer + a second one on the local LAN, + to a remote computer 150miles away using the HDVR test Email button.

I set the Linksys model BEFSR41 cable/DSL Router to port forward in the Application & Gaming "Port Range" menu for application dvrHTTP 88 to 88 Both & enable checked, dvrTCP 37777 to 37777 Both & enable checked, dvrUDP 37778 to 37778 Both & enable checked. But Canyouseeme can not find the ports? I also tried setting the DMZ to be enabled for DMZ Host IP address, once with all the settings made in the "Port Range" menu set enabled, and once with them set to disabled. Still Canyouseeme did not find the ports 88, 37777, or 37778.

I also tried turning off the Norton smart firewall and virus scan, no luck again. The Windows firewall is already off as I rely on the Norton one.

I hope someone can get me through this FUBAR, it's driving me up the wall.

And while I am on this page, as I will be needing to set-up for a DDNS as I have the standard Centurytel DHCP Internet connection, how can I hookup to the Security Camera King service? I have a Web Order Number 24283-140526 that was placed 5/27/2014.
And finally, I would prefer to do this by not having to go through remote access to my computer by the techs if I can, while I know that would most likely be the fastest, I just don't like to open up my computer to the world like that. Guess I am just paranoid after having my bank account zapped to $0 by the Internet provider I had back in the late 90's when the world went into the new millennium. Got charged for back service from the year 1900 + interest, what a nightmare! Since that I never let anyone have access to my bank account for auto bill pay from their end, or to access my computer's remotely. Just not worth the risk.

So if you can step me through how to hook up the system I described at top of this page I'd be obliged. I have gone through all your on-line how to videos and forums and the problem is outside their insight. I also did a lot of on-line searching but nothing I found there worked for me. So here I am back asking for more help.

Security Camera King has been great in the past weeks in helping me get your system up and running, both in exchanging items that did not work, and more so in teaching this old dog new tricks, for that I thank you, and I highly recommend you to others thinking about where to purchase a good security camera system.

And by the way, I did finally get my money back from the millennium screw-up, but it's something I never forgot. Technology is great when it works, but when it goes haywire, it can really suck eggs faster than a hungry hound in a hen house.

West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 20, 2014 - 5:56 pm
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Some info I forgot to include in my 1st post:

I did a on-line chat with a CenturyTel help tech and said I was concerned that CenturyTel might be blocking some ports, or that the Westell model E99-610014-03 Rev H modem they provided me, needed a setup to allow connecting through it to my Linksys Router to allow port forwarding.

I was told they do not block any ports, and there are no settings needed in the Westell modem needed.

I did see the Westell does have a config menu that deals with configurations for VC, DNS, DHCP, Private LAN, Public LAN, Single Static IP, Service, Firewall, ATM Loopbacks, and Turbo TCP sub menus, which is why I thought something needed set-up there. I have not made any changes to any settings in the Westell, don't want to crash it.

From that I assume the problem is in some Windows settings, or Linksys Router settings, as it appears that the "canyouseeme" program is able to deal with the change in DSL address made by my having a DHCP connection to CenturyTel as I do not have the DDNS set up yet.

I was questioned if I have their "@ Ease service". I do not, assume it is another way for them to charge for help the phone company should already be providing to their customers paying for Internet or phone services all ready.

Went to the site the tech gave me, was right, cost another $10 to $20 a month. Seems paying them some $85 a month now is not enough.

Note that people, when you consider the great tech help we are getting for being customers of Security Camera King!

July 21, 2014 - 12:16 pm
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I think that either one of the router/modems your working with still has a firewall on there by blocking outside access or the feature doesn't work at all.  Typically when this feature fails the DMZ option will fail as well. Try putting DVR on DMZ see what happens. If that fails then router would need to be updated and replaced if update does not change anything. 

If you don't own your equipment they may have something locked down and are not telling you. Not everyone you talk to at the ISP will know everything they are supposed to tell you... 

West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 21, 2014 - 8:36 pm
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Howdy Dan,

So I retried setting the Linksys on the DMZ feature again, and no luck.

I looked into the Westell DSL modem again, and found that Westell no longer has firmware upgrades for it near as I can tell. They sold those modems off to NetGear back in 2011, and their site doesn't look to have any help.

I have emailed CenturLink (new name of Centurytel) & asked for new modem, told them I am pi--ed off to find out I am paying them $6/month on my phone bill to lease a out of date modem.

While I wait on the response, (phone co, no how that can be), could you give me a step by step of what to check in my HDVR & Linksys menu settings needed for port forward? I have gone to your forum and video help and done my best to follow the instructions, but being an old dog at this sort of thing, I could easily be missing a simple step.

If you think it would help, I recon I could take some photos of the menu screens as I have set them and attach them to a thread reply?

By the way, was a bit skeptical of the phone co tech, she seemed to be more into selling than helping.

Also, could you give me what/how the Quick DDNS interface should be set, and does this provide me with a way to get around the dynamic IP address problem with my IP provider, as I think it does?

And is it OK to re-set the Download Signed ActiveX controls I set to "Prompt" in the Internet Options menu, back to the default setting now that the needed ActiveX was installed? I do not want to have other ActiveX programs downloading  without my knowing. In other words, if I re-set it back to default, it will mess up connection the HDVR through the Internet?

July 22, 2014 - 9:55 am
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If you cant get it to operate as its supposed to in DMZ mode the router is failing. Updating the firmware may fix it. Easy fix is new router as firmware is not a sure thing. 

The DDNS feature is fairly straightforward.  "server IP" is already imputed per service. It can be changed if needed. port leave default.  domain name is your domain name. User and pass is for that domain names log in for account.  Save and reboot. 

As for the active X you would be good until updates come down for browser, which can be very often. You may want to use Techpro SS app instead. Then you don't have to fight with the constant updates. Depending on what you have you may now be able to use chrome instead.

West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 22, 2014 - 3:58 pm
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Just to be sure, when you say router, are we talking about the Westell modem that I also see called a router by them, or are you talking about my Linksys router.

Westell connects to the DSL phone line, CAT5 from it to Linksys, CAT5's Linksys to computers & HDVR.

In my thinking I see the Westell as the DSL modem, Linksys as router hub, I'm I on the right page?

I need to find out more about what Techpro SS is, as you no doubt can tell by what are probably really dumb questions, I am not all that bright when it comes to the tech world.

So thank you for your patience and help. It is much appreciated!

Wish the phone company was 1/10th as helpful. They just seem to stand in a circle and point to the next person. Oh, and always seem to have pay them extra for them to provide the service they are already charging for.

Reminds me of Lily Tomlin in her HeeHaw satire of the phone company back in the day.

July 22, 2014 - 4:31 pm
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at the least I am referring to the linksys but possibly both. Depends if modem has that feature in it or not. As I have not logged into it I am not sure.  Most modems have it built in. You could try taking out the lynksys and connect directly and test.  I have seen both modems and routers fail with this exact issue. Until you test independently you wont know. 

West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 23, 2014 - 6:01 pm
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Yesterday the 23rd, shortly after my last post, my Westell DSL modem went down completely, no settings made in it, it just quit and could not be found per the address type-in.
I did not get to see your post above until today after today when I was able to get back on-line.
On the way to finding out why the Westell modem was not being seen, I had unhooked the Linksys and connected the Westell directly to the computer, and found it still was not being found. I had been able to connect to the Linksys prior, and through it to the HDVR.
Called phone company and they gave me their Internet help tech this time. Way big difference in the quality of help from this fellow.
He had me do a push the button reset on the Westell, brought back the modem home page on my computer.
He then made some test at his end and told me the modem was bad.

Today the repair men came with new modem, and I now have a CenturyLink ZyXE communications corp. model PK5001Z modem.
This modem has it's own 4 Ethernet ports on the back, so Linksys router is no longer in the chain.

Set-up is now phone DLS line to PK5001Z modem, 2 computers & HDVR to PK5001Z.
Reset HDVR to new modem address, and Canyouseeme found ports HTTTP port 88 & TCP port 37777 & RTSP port 554.
However, it can not find port 37778 and port 161?

At HDVR UPnP menu, line 1 - HTTP port 88 is set for TCP, line 2 - TCP port 37777 is set to TCP, line 3 - UDP port 37778 is set to UDP, line 4 - RTSP port is set to TCP, line 5 - RTSP port is set to UDP, line 6 -SNMP port 161 set to UDP, line 7 - HTTP pot 88 is set to UDP.

What do I need to do to get port 37778 & 161 seen as open?

And also another most likely dumb question, with the HDVR menu Quick DDNS enabled, to access the HDVR from a phone or another computer outside my home LAN, am I correct to think the process is to type in tho the address bar, http://www.quickddns.com, then I should see a place to type in a domain name, and that then I would enter the name that is shown in the HDVR menu as that name?
I am thinking that I would then type in the HDVR address 192.***.*.***:**, the same as I use when accessing it when I am on my home LAN? And this will bring up my HDVR Web Service menu to get into the HDVR, and from there things will be the same as I see them when I log in here at my home computer?

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July 24, 2014 - 1:31 am
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You usually don't need to forward any ports other than http and 37777. Unless your Dvr is different than other Dvr here, that should hold true for you. Enable those ports for 'both', meaning tcp/udp. Associated with those ports when you forward them in your router, you usually need to include the ip address of your Dvr. You'll need to register at quickddns to create your own host name and account. Be sure to do that while on a computer within your local network, as it will accociate your host account that you're creating with your public ip address during the process. Once done, back in the Dvr you plug in that account information you created. So as an example, say you choose to make your host name Jones.quickddns.com, that's what you use to hit the Dvr remotely. Since you forward port 88, the full address would be Jones.quickddns.com:88, in a  browser in Internet Explorer. I haven't used that ddns site nor do I know your router, but it's likely this will get you going. Good luck. 

July 24, 2014 - 9:16 am
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The ports you need to worry about are in the network setting of DVR. To be more specific on the ports in the boxes labeled TCP and HTTP. Unless you plan on putting a feed on a website most people dont use the RTSP. 

For internal access you will have more responsiveness if you use internal IP.

West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 24, 2014 - 6:05 pm
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Hi Dan,

UDP port 37778 is in the network setting of the HDVR and not opening.

SNMP port 161 is in the "Web Service > Network > UPnP" menu, I don't see it in the HDVR "Main > Settings > Network" menu, so should I check it as disabled in the Web Service menu? What does it support, or do?

I am not sure what you mean by "For internal access you will have more responsiveness if you use internal IP"? Are talking about when I connect to the HDVR from my home computer to manage or look at things? I am not having any problem so far doing that.

Not sure what "putting a feed on a website" means for certain? Which probably translates for me to "no".

It is the connection from outside devices to the HDVR that seems to be the hang-up, I have been successfully connecting through my home computer, so if that is "internal access" I think I am OK.

I am trying to get the system set-up to allow connecting to it via the internet when we are away from home, and for my other family members to also access it using user accounts that are in the user end, and not admin end of the food chain. I think I have permissions figured out. But I sure am not getting the basic outside connection end solved.

I also noted that the CenturyLink ZyXE communications corp. model PK5001Z modem I was provided the other day, does not have the DMZ feature enabled. However the ports all seem to be open except for the 2 noted above. I saw in the modems help page and elsewhere in forums, that DMZ appears to leave the HDVR hanging out in the open for hackers and such, more so than port forwarding that has to pass the firewalls. So I am thinking that DMZ might be more of a risk?

 The reason I asked if Security Camera King provides a DDNS service, is I am hoping that I can keep my problems in-house, and further not have to worry about keeping some 2rd party service maintained and so forth. I see things in the forums about having to keep DDNS free sites in constant use or risk geting dropped and having to go through the whole setup process again. Lord knows I don't need that with my limited tech know how.

I was thinking SCK's site would be a onetime setup, and I would be in the loop for getting the educated help I need to get it running, and not relying on a 2nd party outfit. I believe you folks would know how to hook-in to your systems much better than a outside provider would.

I would guess that some folks reading this forum are asking why I don't just hire some professional outfit to set up the system. Well in a nutshell, that would simply put us outside the realm of having a security system at all, as I am sure it does for the majority of homeowners out there.

It is nice to have the choice to use another method than having to just rely on Sam Colt and Smith & Wesson to guard our home. Besides, Colt and S&W aren't at home when we aren't. They are there for "when seconds count, the police are just minutes away".

Security Camera King appears to care about marketing to that vast pool of private home users in the same predicament we are in, so here I am, dumb questions and all.

With help from folks like I have found here, I am sure I'll get the bugs worked out, and I may look back and think, sucks, it was really pretty simple, it was just me needing the right information.

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July 24, 2014 - 9:38 pm
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I've seen many people such as yourself let their own paranoia hold them up from having a working system in a matter of minutes. Seriously, their problem drags on and on for months and sometimes never gets resolved- especially if they truly do not understand networking things to get this going. I've tried in vain more than a few times with people on forums to help them get their networking set up so they can enjoy remote and mobile viewing. A number of them got mad at me, swearing they know how to network enough to understand what I'm saying, but they never get it done. I'm just a member here but I've read through this thread a number of times trying to follow your situation. I can say sincerely with the best of intentions and taking into account you are a novice at these networking chores- call security camera king and let them help you by getting into your dvr and if necessary, team viewer to your computer so they can check out your router situation. Time and time and time again, what can be done in merely a few moments with direct access help, can drag on unresolved trying to work through it in a forum post. Even though it's easy once you know it, trying to explain networking for this to a novice in a forum thread is all but futile. I speak from deep experience. Let them help you the best way they can. If it makes you feel better, create another admin account in your dvr with a password just for them and when you're all set, change the password of delete the account they used all together. This is the best advice I can offer from one member to another, just so you can smile and you and your family can enjoy your system. Fear the people that want to hurt you, not help you. Good luck. 



West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 25, 2014 - 12:18 am
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Reply for shockwave,
Many people such as yourself have their identities stolen because they do not protect themselves properly.
News flash, it is not paranoia to guard your identity anymore than it is to guard your home or business with security systems.
Our families policy is to just not allow remote computer access by anyone, rather than pick and choose. It is not suggesting in anyway that we have any reason to mistrust the good folks at SCK.
Look at it this way, we lock the doors on our home when we leave it as policy, because it makes good sense to us to do it, not because we think every person out there wants to break in, but because it only takes one. Been there and learned that the hard way too.
Don’t know this for a fact, but you sound rather young and inexperienced and quite full of yourself.
Daniel Ross is doing just fine helping me get my system up and running, as has Jesus Ragusa, and I sincerely thank them for that help. Having to deal with east/west coast time difference tends to slow things up a bit, but with the real help I am getting from the techs at SCK I am learning to understand how the system works. With that education I will be able to build up my system in the future and make improvements to it, and understand it.
I am going into this forum through SCK’s CCTV Learning Center Support Page in order to get the company’s professional tech help to set up our system. I am not here for your personal opinions from up on your high horse.
Your way may be much faster, but it is also just not the way we want to do it.
That gets your knickers in a bind, oh well, you have us confused with someone that …..
Don’t let it bug you if we don’t get this system up at the speed you would like, after all, your just a member on forum page, your not the paid professional help.

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July 25, 2014 - 12:51 am
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Well, if 50 is young I'll take it. I'm nowhere full of myself. I wouldn't be here or at many other forums dedicating my time for free to help others if I was full of only myself. I enjoy helping people too much for that. I'm sorry if my advice offended you. Written words often teeter on one wrong word and that word here was 'paranoid'. Sorry to have used that. I understand where you're coming from. I'm quite sure the good folks here will help you through and get you going. If just posting in a thread can't get you there, hopefully they can get you going by other means. Good luck and I hope all works out.

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July 25, 2014 - 12:55 am
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And note to self, for the 100th time- never ever get involved in networking help. It usually ends badly, case and point.

July 25, 2014 - 10:53 am
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The only 4 ports you can change are the TCP, HTTP, RTSP , and UDP. you can leave them default you can change them to whatever. For a port to show open a device on the network first has to be using that port or "listening" on it. Next the port has to be forwarded. on router not to state the obvious but the device has to be on as well. As for the port 161 I do not believe the DVR even uses that port. If it did you would be able to change it if you wanted. 


As for accessing the DVr when you are on site with unit you should use the internal I address. That way you never leave your network so lag would be at a minimum. If you use the public IP address onsite you will likely experience more lag as you are going out of your network and coming back in. Its kinda like driving around the block to get your mail, it works but it will take you longer.

West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 25, 2014 - 2:10 pm
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Thank you Dan, I understood you correctly then about using the internal address. That is what I have been doing when logging into the HDVR off my LAN.

As to the ports, TCP port 37777, HTTP port 88, and RTSP port 554 are up and running. The only port problem that appears to remain is UDP port 37778.

Don't know if it makes a difference, but the 3 ports that are up and running all did so with the new to my system, CenturyLink ZyXE communications corp. model PK5001Z modem the phone company replaced their not working Westell unit with, and they (the 3 working ports) started working at first try with the PPnP option enabled on it as well as on the HDVR.

I have gone into the PK5001Z and set the port forwarding as you advised and as I saw on SCK's download page for port forwarding.

I was thinking this might get UDP port 37778 up and running, but it still is not seen open by canyouseeme. The HDVR is connected to the PK5001Z, and is powered on. I also do a log on check on the internal LAN to be sure the HDVR is being found, and it is. I guess canyouseeme finding ports 88, 37777, & 554 are telling me that too.

I see on other forums where people have had the same sort of problem with the 37778 UDP port, but have not found how they solved the connection problem yet.

What do you suggest I try next?

Well, have to go in for a root canal at the dentist right now, so will chewck back in on the forum when I get back from town.

I am thinking that I might try changing the port from 37778 to another number and see if that might work? Or is that not advisable?

What does the UDP port provide for information to and from the HDVR that is different than the other ports as far as communicating with the HDVR?

By the way I am taking shockwave off my list of people able to access this site, his heart might be in the right place, but I can't deal with his arrogant way of communicating with folks. If I am correct, this is done by the settings in this forums profile settings? So after I close this reply that's what I will attempt to do.

July 25, 2014 - 2:20 pm
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You can totally change the port numbers in the DVR to be 1-65535. As for the 37778 port do you really need it open? Check this link out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.....m_Protocol

Its basic, but you can see its not something that is recommended to use unless you have an application that must use that protocol. Same thing with the RTSP port.


Unless you are putting a live feed on a website you have no need to have it open. 

West Coast Jones
10 miles west of Forks, WA
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July 25, 2014 - 10:31 pm
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I tried resetting the HDVD UDP 37778 port to 38888, still did not work

Rechecked the  PK5001Z modem/router settings, they are handled by enabling  the UPnP settings.In fact, when I go into the port forwarding menu in the PK5001Z and manually set the ports to forward, they remain handled via the UPnP protocol.

Rechecked the HDVR UPnP settings, and the ports are listed there in the UPnP ports as well. Modem/router finds and auto loads the HDVR ports into the modems list of found ports, all of them. As before though canyouseeme does not find all the ports, times out.

I will not be using the RTSP port 554 at this time as I do not plan on putting a live feed on a website, even though this port is found as open per canyouseeme, so it appears the option is available if wanted later.

Reading the link you sent me on UDP, it does look like it might have some benefits to it, as it seems it might be an option to running a slow running device faster, as it doesn't use as many resources to make it go? So am thinking that if our mobile phone is not up to running the camera video smoothly in TCP, UDP might be a better option? Your thoughts?

At any rate, it seems the HDVR should have its UDP port working so the option is available for use if wanted.

It appears the HDVR is the problem in the mix when it comes to not being able to find  its UDP port operational? Because even when changing the port from 37778 to be 38888 in the HDVR, and setting manually the PK5001Z port forwarding for 38888, it still is not found through the Internet by canyouseeme.

I guess for now my next step will be to get connected through the Internet, see how our phone works with the system, in if it does, UDP will not be needed. Although, again I believe it should function.


So now back to the DDNS setup question I had earlier, I read this in one of SCK's forum pages:

"The Private service is not for the end user. It is designed for the distributor to have their own service added to the existing firmware by the manufacturer of the DVR. We can provide you with a free single account of our DDNS service at http://www.TechproDDNS.com . Please contact our tech support team to get assistance. Email support@securitycameraking.com for more information."

I am thinking this is the DDNS that would be best for us. It is by your company, and I as I said elsewhere in this thread, I think you folks would be the best choice for a DDNS that is compliant with your HDVR we bought from you.

Are there any tips you can give me to setting this up and/or using it for our DDNS, or do I have to go through the email site given for more information?

July 28, 2014 - 11:30 am
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I know what you mean on the UDP. It may work better it is a test and see what happens. The part I dont like is the faucet is on all the time so to speak so the data keeps coming regardless of connection readiness to accept the new data. That can lead to no video as the data packets have to show up in order. 

I am thinking I need to log in to a PC of yours to take a look at that router as you really should not be having such a hard time opening ports. The only other thing I can think of is that something on your network is already using those ports or maybe assign a different IP address to the DVR. Then ports may show open. Another though is just change port numbers see what happens. Ports are not set in stone you can change them to just about whatever you want. 

The site listed for the DDNs you just go to the site with your original order information. Create an account enter order number and you will get approved in 24 hours or less. Then you create a domain name for you and add your ddns information to the network DDNS setting of DVR and you will be good. 

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Guest Posters: 146
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Administrators: Damon Delcoro, Brad Besner, Jose Malave, Damon Delcoro, Tony Petruzzi
Moderators: Zeke Richey, Eric Wilson, Yarden Pinhasi, Joe Shopsin, jwilhelmi, Jorge Nava, Tyler Rittel