So I have a project that I am setting up RTSP streams to a tablet from a 8 channel POE NVR. Using what I found on the forums rtsp://put DVR IP address here:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=00&authbasic=YWRtaW46YWRtaW4==
Works perfect for one camera. Then when I try to get streams from other channels it doesn't work. I have tried replacing "channel=1" with "channel=2" and so on with no luck. I have 3 cameras on the NVR. I dug around a little and looks like ALL the cameras are set to remote channel 1. Not sure if this has anything to do with it.
Seeing if anyone has any suggestions or has run into this problem. Has to be something in the HTTP request or a setting on the NVR it self. If I figure it out before any one else does I'll post back.
December 26, 2013
Instead of subtype=00, try subtype=0
Some devices implement the 00 as a number, some as text and then it fails.
Cameras only have one channel, so channel=1 is the correct setting when streaming directly from the cameras. If you stream from the NVR, set the proper channel number.
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