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Issue with Push Notifications - Android - Receive Home Push while off network??
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October 3, 2014 - 4:53 pm
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So I have the latest Tech Pro SS Plus app on my Galaxy S5. Loving it!! I am having an odd issue though with regards to Push Notifications.  I have a photo beam at my gate...when tripped, the NVR sends a notification to my Android. I have the PUSH options activated for both HOME (on network) and AWAY (off network). Alarm 1, gate cam.  

HOME - someone approaches the gate, photobeam trips, notification is pushed to my phone, I open notification and see the gate video. SWEET...works great and pretty darn fast too.  Now, I go off network (cell network) same scenerio...problem is, I am AWAY using LTE but the NVR sends me the HOME alert? Again, I have both HOME and AWAY notifications configured and active on the device.  Any suggestions? As you can imagine, I click the notification, the app opens but fails to log into the camera feed. I should add I have both home and away configured on the app and can view all cams on or off network accordingly when I want to view from phone app.

Second question...is it possible to default the TP app to display LIVE cam view when opened from push rather than recorded video? Would be awesome to get the notification, open it and see real time what is going on at the gate rather than have to open and then push the live icon.

Thanks in advance :-)  

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