August 26, 2014

Hi everyone !
first of all, sorry to annoy you with "probably" such an easy question for veteran like you !
Still .. I've searched all over the web and I couldnt really figure out a solution to my problem ... so , Im turning toward your help
Resume ;
Bought a Swann DVR with 1PTZ and 3 bullet camera bundle to monitor my cabin out in the wood ( 1hr 45min away from home ) dark as hell at night AND mosquito spiders, squirrel and many other kind of animal lurking around the place!
Unfortunately .. Altough image quality is suffisent from that setup "even at night" AND we also have motion detect light, the Motion detection is not.. we get many ( by many I mean hundred by day .. ) of false positive email notification ( you can guess.. ive disabled it by now .. )
Signal noise at night,
Squirrel and even mosquito is enought to trigger an alert..
( SWANN system use PIXEL detection and theres no way to set it to lets say .. trigger only if 5 or more block have changed.. tried many sensivity setting .. and running it 24hours is no good for us. we NEED to be notified if something is wrong at our cabin, we have machinery, cars and valuable object IN the cabin itself ...)
Swann DVR using CCTV bullet Cam " bnc connector and powercord "
I was heading to make em IP . . but I need a converter for each of them for that AND.. it would cost around 200-300 each ... I tought it would be less expensive using a DIY DVR with a good monitoring software. ( ZoneMinder, iSpy or .. my personal choice for now ( since it has human detection ) SightHound )
it is the system ...
unfortunately .. doesnt apear to have PIR alarm connector... so that solution is no good for me too ...
Anyway ! im looking for an alternative to my problem but using the same camera... I dont mind building a computer and use a software like SightHound for Person detection ( as long it is viable .. its already ~600$ down the drain so far with the SWANN DVR system .. )
Any input would be apreciated.. and I hope I have been "clear" enought in my needs and current tryout.
thank you again for future input!
Not to be an ass.. but im in a bit of a hurry, my father is going to work nightshift soon and he wont be able to go to the cabin anytime soon ... so we really NEED to know our stuff are secure..
thanks again, really
Not sure if this topic has been resolved or not. I would recommend buying a security camera king 4 channel LT DVR and using it for its alarm inputs and email notifications. I like to use an Optex LX402 or Optex LX802 for an outside PIR. They are easy to set up and are very effective in any weather conditions.
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