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Restaurant system update
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March 24, 2015 - 9:52 pm
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I work for a restaurant company that is currently running AvertX 16-channel NVRs and IP cameras in two of its outlets; one has nine cameras (which provides pretty good coverage; we're unlikely to add more than two more cameras there) and the other has 13 cameras in use, with two more planned for deployment and the strong possibility that we'll decided we need at least a few more in the future.

Unfortunately, we're finding that even after adjusting the recording settings to reduced frame rates, the nine-camera system gives us about 10 days of video (with 6 GB of storage) and the 13-camera system gives us just over a week with 8TB. This doesn't meet our needs from a business standpoint; we'd really like to have at least 30 days of video. The AvertX DVRs do not support increased storage.

With those constraints, would one of your NVRs be able to work with the AvertX cameras (I believe them to be ONVIF compliant) and provide us with 30 days of storage along with remote access to watch current and recorded video (via desktop PC, iOS and Android devices alike)?

Techpro Security
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March 25, 2015 - 5:18 am
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Hello Kevin

Is hard for us to know if it will work with our NVR but even if they do there is a chance that you might loose the ability to record motion. ONVIF protocol will not guarantee that all of the camera or NVR features will work. There are many ONVIF devices in the market, I have tried about a dozen and they all work different. I suggest that you check your settings better because is odd that with 6tb and 8tb you don't get sufficient days for storage. If your resolution and FPS including. It rate are too high then is possible that you will be having issues like this.

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