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Problems with image quality on night
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July 17, 2013 - 10:18 am
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Hi, I bought some cameras from you (ID = OD-LX700IR100L2812-W) and I need support with night vision image quality.  

This records on night are terrible and I need to know how to fix it. Is there some configuration on DVR to make? 


My camera is:


See an example: 


Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
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July 17, 2013 - 10:34 am
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Hi Ronaldo,

Thanks for posting on our forum. I really hate to disappoint you, but overall the image quality is good. I am sure that it can be tweaked to get some improvement, and also I cannot tell from the images you posted if you are recording at D1 or CIF resolution. Obviously D1 resolution will provide you with 4 times better resolution. The main problem I see is with the lighting. 

Camera # 1 is getting a little bit of IR bounceback from the overhang of your roof. I recommend you point that camera down a little to get rid of that. Thus will clear up the video on that camera. 

Camera 2 looks good. The area the camera is pointed to is lit up nicely by the IR LEDs. If you need to get clearer video towards the back of the image, I recommend you add an IR Illuminator pointed in that direction. The camera can only illuminate the area it is pointed at.

Camera 3 is much too small an area for the camera you selected. The IR is too powerful and is causing the image to wash out. I would switch that camera to our OD-LX700IR50-W which is half the infrared power. 

Camera 4 is being blinded by the very bright light directly in it's view. At night, the Iris of the camera opens all the way to allow you to see more in darkness. Unfortunately, the bright light in the middle becomes even brighter because of the open iris. You have a few options. The first thing to try is turn on ATR (Which is Sony's version of WDR) to try to deal with the dynamic range. The light in the center may be too much even for that. Next option is to point the camera away from the light. If that is not possible, then try turning the camera to color only so that it does not switch to black and white at night. This will block the camera from going into night vision mode, and I think there may be enough light around to make this work. Also, you will get the bonus of being able to see in color at night. Also, there is a HLBC feature which you can use to try to block out the area the light is in. It is really meant for headlight compensation when doing license plate capture, but I think this will work in this case. The last option is to change out the camera to our EF series which features our True Dual Scan WDR which is a more powerful Wide Dynamic Range feature. 

I hope this helps!

Night Hawk
Boca Raton
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July 21, 2013 - 2:06 am
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Hey Ronaldo,

I agree with Brad. These cameras look pretty good. I monitor quite a few cameras at night and some are in complete darkness and others have enough ambient light in the area to work in day mode or color mode. Try having someone walk in front of all cameras so that you can see what a physical person looks like when the infrared lights are on.

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