This can be due to the Drive. remove the drive an see if the unit keeps rebooting. IF this is not a new drive, or it has been used on another unit, try to reformat it with windows and see the issue goes away. We have also noticed that you are not using a surveillance drive (Approved). In some cases reboots like this are due to incompatibility with the HDD firmware and DVR.

Answers Post
I could but that wouldn't change much because the unit is rebooting. Are you using the power supply that camera with the unit? Can you have a VGA monitor connected to the unit, no mouse, HDD or Cat5 ethernet cable connected to it and see how it responds? Have you try a different outlet? Do you have another power supply with at least 12vdc and 3 amps?
Let me know; if that issue persist then it will need to be sent back. We can sent an RMA with a return label so we can take care of it ASAP.
Thank you!
April 9, 2013

Unfortunately it's still doing it, tried other outlets and locations without any cables and it's still persists. Can you send me a RMA/CALL TAG? Thanks.
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Order Date....................Jul 02, 2015; 06:32am PDT
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