September 7, 2013

Unfortunately, I can't get a successful email test. I've configured email as follows:
SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465
Encrypt Type: SSL
Also, I verified that the email checkbox is checked in order to enable email.
I then save the data and hit the email test button. I then get a message indicating that the email test failed.
I've also noticed that the Receiver data is NOT saved. That is, I enter the Receiver data, hit the Save button, log out and then log back in only to find that the Receiver field is empty.
My Web Service info..
- SN: PA3CA10401031
- System Version: 2.616.GV00.0, Build Date: 2013-04-10
My DVR is the 8 channel Ultimate Mini Series D1 Realtime Security DVR
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
make sure you have your gmail email address as the sender and make sure that your username and password are correctly typed. the username must be example@gmail.com and the password should be that accounts password

September 7, 2013

Jesus Ragusa said
you need to add the received email to the list, otherwise it will not work. Also I'm not assuming you are not using "example@gmail.com" right? instead you will use your real gmail email, is that correct? I just tested on mine LT 16CH DVR and it works OK.
Using Web Service, I added a receiving email address to the list and then I hit the Save button and then I hit the test button. The end result indicates that the email test failed. Also, after saving all the email information including the receiving email address, logging out, logging back in, the receiving email address is NOT there. IOW, the Web service does not save the receiving email address. Essentially, trying to set up email remotely using the Web Service is a lesson in futility. To resolve the problem, I set up the email at the DVR. I entered all the email information, saved the email information and successfully tested the sending of the email.
I used "example" in the email address instead of my real email. I didn't feel comfortable making my email address known to the world.
In summary, I believe there may be a software defect in setting up email using the Web Service.
If you are having issues like that then it most be an issue with your activex control. You can re download the activex by deleting a folder called webrec located under the c:\ drive of your pc. After you delete the folder then connect to your dvr again to download the activex file. I have the same dvr, same firmware, using internetexplorer

September 7, 2013

I've redownloaded the ActiveX control using the following procedure...
1. Deleted the C:\\Program Files\\WebRec folder
2. Deleted the file named "webrec" from C:\\Windows\\Downloaded Program Files
3. Under IE ActiveX, I set the following to enabled...
Run ActiveX and plug-ins ENABLED
Download Signed ActiveX Control ENABLED
Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting ENABLED
4. Under IE ActiveX, I set the following to prompt...
Download unsigned ActiveX Control PROMPT
Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe PROMPT
5. Closed IE browser and restarted and again installed the ActiveX control
Still have the same problem. The Web Service doesn't save the receiver email address. It also clears out the receiver email address at the DVR. That is, if I save all the email data using Web server and then go to the DVR and review the email settings, the receiver email box will be empty. Thus, my only option is to enter all the email data at the DVR, save the data and then test it. The test will be successful at the DVR. Bottom line, setting the email address using the Web Service just doesn't work for me.

September 7, 2013

All the other features of Web Service appear to working without any problem. I have entered the email data at the DVR and then used the Web Service to test it. The Web Service indicates that the test was successful. But when I change the email data using Web Service, save that date and test it. I get a failed test. And again, I have to go to the DVR to update the email data.
In summary, it seems as though the only problem with Web Service is its adding/updating of email data.

September 7, 2013

I'll call tech support tomorrow on this issue.
But anyway, I also get a "Test email successful" from the Web Service if I do not modify any email settings. It fails when I add/change the Receiver email. Have you tried changing the Web Service Receiver email address, saving the changes and then doing the test?
Also, how does the DVR handle multiple Receiver email addresses? It only has one input area for entering a receiver email address but yet Web Service provides the ability to enter multiple input addresses. I'm assuming that multiple receiver email addresses may be entered at the DVR with a delimiter such as a semicolon. Are my assumptions correct?

September 7, 2013

Just got off the phone with tech support and the source of the problem was my rookie mistake. I didn't hit the green plus icon to the right of the input box to put the updated email address into the listbox below the input box.
Dan the support technician was a great help. It was a pleasure working with him.
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