January 22, 2016

This is new for me...
When trying to view my system on my iPhone7 iOS 12.1.2 I am getting the arrow circle with the "help" button below in every camera in the live preview window.
Going to device manager and looking at my settings I see this...
This is a new issue, been using this setup for years. Device is a TRIDVR-ELE8M
Subsequent tries fail, but a few hours later it works again. One of these days I am really going to need it to work!
Please advise

Hello Mark,
When this is normally happening, it is due to another device trying to login with the wrong password. With these systems, 5 failed login attempts with the wrong password will cause the system to not allow any other connections. The good part about this is that it keeps potential threats at bay, while the system is still doing what it is supposed to be doing and recording.
I generally suggest disconnecting the recorder from the network. Then change the passwords on any device that you use to connect to the device while the system is disconnected. This allows you to change all the passwords without locking the system up. Once done, simply reconnect the recorder and all should be good.

January 22, 2016

The only devices that connect to the DVR are my phone and my wife's phone. The admin is the account I use on both devices, and the PW is saved in the app, so wrong PW's should not be the issue. Could it be that someone else is trying to log into my DVR?
I never did change the port number from the default after the "hacked" thing happened a while back. Is this something I should probably do?

My suggestion would be to change the devices internal IP address, as well as the HTTP and TCP ports to a random number. Then you will have to update the port forwarding in your router. I also suggest making you an admin account for your phone and a separate admin account for your wife's phone, all separate from the main admin. This will help you to see if either device is causing you issues.
Have you checked the password in your wife's phone or any old devices that may have had access in the past that may have been given to someone else to use?
Please keep in mind that if you use a DDNS address even if your WAN IP changes it will be updated. Best practice is to delete your current DDNS address and create a new one. Then ensure that the ISP changes the IP address either by disconnecting the Modem for a few hours or resetting it, consult with your ISP for better results.
Jose Malave - IT Director| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 | E-mail: support@securitycameraking.com
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