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Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
Forum Posts: 203
Member Since:
March 9, 2013
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March 29, 2013 - 11:35 am
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We strive to have the most informative and professional forum possible. Our goal is to provide our customers and industry professional’s the best support and helpful information on our full range of products. Please be respectful to others on our forum and do not make reference to our competitors or their products. No obscenities, piracy of copyrighted materials or solicitations will be tolerated. In order ensure a professional forum we ask that you read our Forum Rules and Regulations.

 Forum Rules and Regulations

1) Please be respectful to others on our forum. Any posts that are rude or disrespectful to others will be removed and the member may be banned at the discretion of our moderators. 

2) Please do not make reference a competitor or a competitor’s product. You may not post links to a competitor’s website or their products without authorization from one of our moderators or the forum administration team first.

3) Please do not post materials, photos, links or attachments that may be considered distasteful or offensive.  Anyone found to be doing so will have the post removed and will instantly be banned from our forum.

4) No Piracy - Please do not add, attach or upload any copyrighted photos, articles, software or link to any sites that give access to such materials .

5) No Soliciting - Do not post solicitations for work or offers services. Bartering for products or services is allowed on the forum.

6) No Advertising or Spamming - The quality of the information and posts on the forum is our number one priority. Please do not use our forum for personal gain or advertising of any kind. Anyone found adding solicitations, advertisements for products or services, adding links to unrelated or irrelevant sites or materials will have the post removed and may be banned at the discretion of our moderators.

7) Word Filter - Our forum word filter is in place to ensure a professional forum and protect everyone on the forum. Anyone found trying to avoid this may be warned or banned and the post will be removed.

8) Complaints - Our forum is a great resource for our customers and industry professional’s.  We encourage our members to interact and help one another.  If at any time you feel that you have mistreated, been given misinformation or have a valid complaint, please contact one of our moderators or administrator by sending an email with the subject “Forum Complaint” to info@securitycameraking.com.

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Administrators: Damon Delcoro, Brad Besner, Jose Malave, Damon Delcoro, Tony Petruzzi
Moderators: Zeke Richey, Eric Wilson, Yarden Pinhasi, Joe Shopsin, jwilhelmi, Jorge Nava, Tyler Rittel