May 15, 2014

hello guys, i bought couple of ipc-hd1100c cameras and now on of them is having motion detection problem, so i contact the seller and he sent me new firmware, but i am confuse how to upgrade the camera. can i upgrade the camera using the NVR while the camera is plunged in, or do i have to unplug and use the config tool?
Thank You.

May 15, 2014

Jesus Ragusa said
If the camera is on the network then you can use the config tool to push the firmware. Make sure you know the IP address of the camera so you don't sent the file to the NVR instead.
Thanks for reply.
still little confused. my cameras are already hooked up to the NVR and installed in my business, and i am trying to upgrade without taking them out.
You would not need to take them down. This devices are in the network and they should be searchable using the config tool. Like I said before you will need to open the config tool and search for the IP address of the Camera. Unless this camera is direct connected via NVR build In PoE Switch then you can't search the IP of the camera but if the camera is connected on a External PoE switch on your network then you can find it with the Config Tool.
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