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Setting up an IP camera to transmit snapshots to a FTP server.
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Zeke Richey
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March 29, 2013 - 3:57 pm
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Setting up an IP camera to transmit snapshots to a FTP.

*This feature can only be set up to transmit the snapshots based on a timed interval.*


1. Log in to the camera directly though internet explorer.


2. Setting the time for how often the snapshots that will be sent to a FTP server and the quality of them.

a. Go to the "Setup" tab (in the top right corner).

[Image Can Not Be Found]

b. Select "Camera" on the left side of the camera's setup menu.

c. Select "Video" from the sub menu.

d. Select the "Snapshot" tab.

[Image Can Not Be Found]

e. The drop down menu next to "Interval" will allow you to make it so that snapshots will be sent between every 1 and 7 seconds. On this page you can also adjust the quality of each snapshot that's sent. Make sure that you hit the "Save" button if you make any changes here.

3. Setting up what days and time periods that the images will be sent.

a. Select "Storage" on the menu along the left side of the page.

b. Select "Schedule" from the sub menu.

c. Select the "Snapshot schedule" tab.

d. Click on the "setup" button on the top right of the time bar.

[Image Can Not Be Found]

e. Select 'All' in the upper left corner, to set this feature up for all of the days of the week.

f. To the right of period 1, make it so that only the box next to "General" is checked and hit the "Save" button.

[Image Can Not Be Found]

g. This will drop you out to the previous menu. You'll also need to hit "Save" here in order to have your changes properly stored.

4. Entering the FTP server information.

a. Under the "storage" heading of the main menu along the left side of the screen, select "Destination".

b. Make sure that the "Path" tab is selected along the top.

c. Under snapshot (on the right side of the screen), make sure that only the "Scheduled" box is check marked and hit the "Save" button.

[Image Can Not Be Found]

d. Select the "FTP" tab along the top of this screen.

-For "Server IP" : Enter the IP address of your FTP server.

-For "Port" : Enter the listening port number for your FTP port. (By default this will be 21.)

-For "Username" : Enter the username that you created on your FTP server.

-For "Password" : Enter the password that you created on your FTP server.

NOTE: Make sure that your FTP server has the read, write and append permissions enabled.

e. Whatever you put in to the "Remote directory" field will be the name of the folder that's created in the destination folder on the FTP server.

f. Make sure that the "Enable" box in the upper left corner of this page is check marked and hit the "Save" button.

[Image Can Not Be Found]


NOTE: As soon as you complete this last step, the camera will be begin transmitting snapshots to your FTP server based on the time interval that you set up in the first portion of this walkthrough.

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