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thin vertical lines at night only
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April 18, 2013 - 11:57 pm
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  Installed 13 ipod 1.3mp ip domes and 5 of the cameras have vertical lines at night. During the day the video is perfect. Looking for suggestions that could be causing the problem. I have tried switching around the cat5e cables at the poe. Also have tried switching cameras to the good locations. I can turn the lights on and the lines will go away when the cameras switch to color, but as soon as the light go out the vertical lines show up again. Looking for suggestions and help. Greg

Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
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April 19, 2013 - 12:43 am
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There can be several possibilities to the cause of the issue. It is a matter of a process of elimination. First, please tell us, what POE switch are you using? What are the cable distances from the POE to the problem cameras? My first thought is that the cameras are not getting enough power when the IR LEDs turn on. If you unplug all the cameras from the POE except a single one of the problem cameras, does the problem still occur to that camera when the lights are off? Have you exceeded 300 feet distance from the POE source to the problem cameras? Please let us know the answer to these questions. Thanks! 

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April 19, 2013 - 10:50 am
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  Using your poe16. (5 cables around 75' 2 around 25' 6 around 50'. Does the poe have sufficient power to power the 13 iPod 1.3 mp cameras. I will try tonight your suggestion on powering only one of the problem cameras only. Any other suggestion or help would be appreciated. Greg


  Just a side note about Michael in your tech department. He has been incredible helping me program and setting up the ip cameras. I really appreciate how he and your company has gone above and beyond what I would have expected. 

Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
Forum Posts: 203
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April 19, 2013 - 2:46 pm
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My best guess is still that this is related to the cameras not getting enough power. It could be the POE is not able to put out enough power to support the 13 cameras when the IR turns on, or it could be that there is too much voltage drop in the cables. This could occur when the distances are too long (which is not the case now), when the cable is of inferior quality (like prefabricated cable), if the cable is defective, if the POE is not outputting enough power for the cameras or if the circuit does not have enough power for the POE. I'm sure there could be other potential power problems, but that is all I can think off. So at this point we want to use the process of elimination to rule out these causes. 

If the problem was with one camera only, I would think it could be defective, but 5 cameras? I am confident the problem is not 5 defective cameras. 

April 19, 2013 - 5:34 pm
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The camera may need to be factory defaulted. A reset fixes a lot of unknowns. If you can tell me the exact model of the camera I can tell you where the reset is.  if it is this camera  IPOD-EL1MPIR50   The reset button is inside the ball. You would have to remove the ball from the mount the camera untwists in half. Inside there is a little black button that is the reset. Hold it down for at least 20 seconds. You will need a pen to push the button down. 


Since this happens when your lighting conditions change that makes me think that change from day to night mode is having a hard time adjusting to the light or lack there of. We may need to log into the camera and adjust the video conditions. You can do this or we can. Just log in to the cameras IP address. Click the camera tab on left then conditions and you will see the options I'm talking about. 

April 22, 2013 - 11:39 am
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I have done some more research on your issue. On camera 5 or the last camera you connect try using one of the other powered ports instead. One of the ports on the switch may be malfunctioning and it may not be the least one either. 

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