January 11, 2014

I bought the camera from Security Camera King ,one of your 2 megapixel bullet TP cameras you no longer carry.
it uses ONVIF Protocol. Anyway,the camera functions fine during the day but at night, the ir lights come on, but it seems like in is in day mode. It is almost pitch black. Maybe the cut filter is not moving? I can't tell. Has anyone come across a similar issue? If so what did you do? (Probably brick the camera)

good morning,
For that camera I believe you should be hearing an audible click when it switches form day to night, most cameras you can hear it. Can you take a screen shot of the daylight settings so we can see them or can you verify that you have the camera in auto for day night settings?

I apologize as I am not seeing the option to change. I have the same camera on my desk and its not there to force it into auto. The good news is the camera should click when it changes from day to night. It is very quiet, I had a hard time hearing it. Since it goes black Im thinking it is changing over just he IR are not bright enough. Another plus on this camera is on the bottom there is a trap door. Inside you can adjust the IR intensity. You will need something about as thick as a quarter to open it. The camera did come with a key for it if you still have the box. Then you will need a phillips head screw driver to turn the adjuster screw.

January 11, 2014

Hi Dan,
This is the camera in question it is #IPOB-TP2MPIR50-W. I think you no longer carry it. Are you sure this model has an adjustable IR?
I do have
Product# IPOB-TP2IR150L2812-B which is adjustable, how ever I am not having an trouble with that camera.
Getting back to the problem, even though the room is fairly bright right now I do not get a color image. The only way that will happen is if I set the color to gray setting to "color".
Please advise...

Your right I do have one that is different. It should click over and you can hear or feel it if its in your hand. I'm starting to lean towards RMA.
Couple things to try before we do.
Log into it go into advance then find the option to default the camera. See if that has any affect. Also the login page, is it white or grey background? I have a firmware we can try. I just need to know what color the background is before emailing it to you.

September 6, 2015

Did you send the camera in already?
I have been having the same problems on a couple of my cameras and with the help of one of the support guys we found the fix. I too have all of a sudden lost my night images in the dark. The IR's are clearly illuminated but all I get is a dark picture unable to see anything.
The cameras I am running are Model: IPOD-EL1MPIR50. What we found is even tough it looks like they are in auto setting for adjustment, that the camera had somehow set itself to "Day" mode only and thus was no longer adjusting for night vision.
In the first picture, you'll notice the "Config File" is set to day and the "Day & Night" setting is set to auto. Even though it looks like it should be functioning fine, we set the "Config File" to Normal saved it as seen it picture two. You'll notice after saving for whatever reason the "Config File" went back to Day anyway but the support tech insured me it had saved even though it wasn't showing.
Then we set the "Day & Night" mode to auto and saved again as seen in picture three and four. It will look like this settings are already correct. But upon performing this the camera went back to normal operations and was adjusting to day and night on it's own again.

My question is how soon will it reset back to this weird setting as I didn't touch anything and it already did it on it's own. It may take some firmware upgrade that hasn't been identified yet? I have not recently updated my firmware so maybe I need to do that soon as well and see how things go from there.
Hopefully this helps in case you run into this problem again or anyone else does. Even if they already are replacing the camera, I believe they are going to find it is a firmware issue and will need fixed through that manner. Either way, when and if it happens again to ya, try these steps or something similar and see if it helps for the time being!
~ David
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