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Forum Posts: 64
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October 21, 2013 - 10:36 pm
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I currently own the NVR-EL16 but am curious of the upload download throughput please. Also, if I use 2 of these units, can I essentially double both up and down speed capabilities? Will I be able to interface through one software interface and view all cameras from both NVR's?


Techpro Security
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October 22, 2013 - 10:35 am
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Our NVRs have a gigabit NIC card so in theory it will depend of your network speed. You will not double up the speed because you have 2 of them, is not how networking devices worked, the only possible way to do this is if you have a layer 3 device in the network (Switch, router) that support link aggregation but this is just not possible. You can definitely output all of the cameras from both NVRs to a single monitor only from your computer using our Client software. You can add both NVRs to the software and add each camera from any of the NVR to a single window layout but the only possible way is using a computer. 






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October 22, 2013 - 11:06 am
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Thanks for your reply Jesus...


I'm afraid I must question your response on the throughput though....I assure you, the device is not able to handle 1G of data being sent to it at once.  Please, can you check with the manufacturer?  I ask because many other manufactures, all with Gigabit NIC's, many costing in the 5k up range are only capable of thresholds of 180-250M....The bottleneck being the devices capabilities, not the speed of the network or the NIC.  I need this as a point of reference for comparison.


You see, for example, I have 10 ip camera, all have to be at D1 and lower FPS using this NVR due to its lack of throughput.  It simply cannot handle the bandwidth of higher resolutions.  This was a major bummer after paying so much for the cameras and NVR, all fmor you guys.  Sadly, I am stuck with what I have as you guys do not offer refunds except store credit, this is no good as you do not offer a better NVR for my needs.


Upon speaking to your tech support, I was informed that the NVR will not support the 10 cameras in anything higher than D1, my money spent on the 3MP cameras was a total waste.


My network is a new, CAT6 top to bottom, switches included as well as all connectors and is a dedicated system.  It has no other traffic on it other than the cameras and NVR.  I assure you, the bottleneck is not the network but the NVR.


I hope you can assist me to better understand the capabilities of this NVR regarding throughput as it is not listed on your website specs. 

Thanks again




Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
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October 22, 2013 - 11:36 am
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I think there is a little confusion here. Your original question was what is the upload and download throughput. Jesus was correct that there is a total of 1GB/s available per NIC card in the NVR for total up and down throughput. This total up/down throughput is available for all bandwidth use including remote access streaming from both the main stream and substream, downloading of recorded video and for the recording video stream from the cameras. Assuming you have a Gigabit network set up, this is your maximum available throughput for both up and down data. 

What you really wanted to know is what throughput is available and dedicated to the recording streams from the IP cameras. This will depend on the DVR you have. The NVR-EL-16 was originally available with a throughput of 32mb. This is the total throughput available for the use of IP camera recording. Our 32 Channel NVR (NVR-EL-32) has 2 NIC cards and a total throughput for recording of IP cameras of 160mb. This NVR is also capable of recording 3MP video, however the throughput available for 3MP video can be a little confusing. The formula is not as logical as it would seem. Jesus will be able to provide you with the exact breakdown of this. 

Also, just a couple of weeks ago, a new version of our NVR-EL-16 was introduced and it now has 160mb available throughput for the recording stream. You can tell the difference between the old version and newest version of the 16 channel NVR by the number of NIC cards. The old version has 1 NIC card, the new version has 2 NIC cards. 


Forum Posts: 64
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October 22, 2013 - 12:32 pm
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Thanks for your reply Brad...


WOW!!  32MB for nearly $900...unbelievable!!

That doesn't even count the extra capacity I paid for.


This is what I would expect from the junk you see on eBay, certainly not at these prices!!

Selling 10 separate MP cameras to a customer with this NVR is completely unfair to the consumer.

Hopefully, someone will read this and they can avoid wasting thousands of dollars on this equipment.


Obviously, I just need to scrap this NVR and buy a quality piece of equipment.


Thanks again for your comment...it really helped me to understand exactly just how limited this thing is....

Anyone interested in a slightly used NVR???   UGH!!





Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
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October 22, 2013 - 12:43 pm
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That's really not a fair statement. Technology is always progressing and improving. As I said, our newest model now supports 160mb of throughput for the recording stream and has two Gigabit Network Cards. We are only able to get new products as fast as the manufacturers provide them. We have sold hundreds, if not thousands of 32MB NVRs over the last year or two that they have been available and have never had a complaint. They were always advertised as being able to support up to 1080p recording (not 3MP) until we received the upgraded units that now support 160mb. Typically the old units would support up to 16 cameras recording at 2MP (1080p) resolution at 7fps each which would keep in the 32mb limit. Now the limit is obviously much higher. 

Rather than bash us for technology that wasn't available to us at the time, why not just ask us to work something out for you so that you can trade in what you have and get the newer 160MB NVR? I would think that if you reviewed our forum, or our reputation online, you would see that we always do our best to support and assist our customers. This case is no different. We would be happy to work with you and find a solution for you to trade the NVR you have and get our newer 16 channel or 32 Channel NVR. Isn't that the better way to go? 

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October 22, 2013 - 12:53 pm
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I assure you, my intention is not to BASH anyone..simply to help others understand the limits of the equipment.  

I will leave it at that and keep my comments to myself. 



Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
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October 22, 2013 - 12:56 pm
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Would you like us to contact you to work out a trade in of your NVR for our newer model that now supports 160mb? Just PM me your contact information if you would, or call us at 866-573-8878 and ask for Matt. He is the sales manager and has been following these posts. 

Forum Posts: 64
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October 22, 2013 - 12:57 pm
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Feel free to delete the thread if you feel I was bashing you in anyway...honestly, that was not my intention...

It's just very frustrating to know I am stuck with such a limited NVR...

At least I have cameras that I can add to a different piece of equipment at a later date and utilize the full range of the cameras abilities.



Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
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October 22, 2013 - 1:00 pm
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We do not delete threads here unless there is a very, very good reason. You have a valid concern. We can upgrade you to the newer NVR version we now sell. Just let us know if you want to explore that option. 

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October 22, 2013 - 1:04 pm
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Have worked with Matt in the past, he was great...have always had great support from you guys.

Will certainly take this into consideration and perhaps we can discuss it further in the near future.


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