November 28, 2016

I am trying to attach a Reolink RLC-422 to an ELI-SIP-NVR4-POE-D. I currently have the camera connected and recording on external switch thru the LAN port.
When I plug in the camera to one of the POE ports I can't find or connect to the camera. The LED on the front of the NVR indicates something is connected.
Any Suggestions?
Stan Surratt

May 15, 2015

Stan - the address range for the POE ports on that NVR are locked in - they can not be changed.
The cameras will need a zero_ conf address to work on the POE ports..
169.254.10.xxx ( through Subnet Mask = Gateway =
Then you can manually add using Onvif as the camera type.
Also be aware that that NVR is limited to 2 Megapixel resolution (1920x1080p)

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