January 22, 2016

Still trying to figure this all out folks!
I can see all my camera's using Smart PSS, and I think I have the search system figured out.
Here is an example of my issue.
I search Camera 2 and 5 (camera's not relevant) on whatever date from 20:00:00 to 23:00:00. When I click search, I get the 24 hour timeline for that date showing with all but the selected area "grayed out". This is expected.
The problem is that playback is beginning somewhere in the grayed out area, and I am unable to move the playback shuttle to the area I am interested in. If I click on the timeline to the area I am interested in, nothing happens. If I drag the playback "shuttle" to the area I am interested in, it snaps back to where it was when I grabbed it.
It does not seem to matter if playback is in progress, or stopped.
Please advise! Windows is not an option for me!

January 22, 2016

What OS and version are you using? How do you have the DVR setup to record, and are you viewing on local network or remote?
Hi Dan,
I'm using Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.3
I have whatever version of SmartPSS that was up 2 days ago when i was directed to it by your tech support person.
I have the DVR Set to recored on motion only, 24/7.
I am becoming pretty familiar with the interface on the DVR itself. A little more on SmartPSS... however I still have the same issue on playback I mentioned in my OP. I also have a playback issue on the Techopro iOS app on my iPhone 6.
I am using the main stream for playback. Bandwidth should not be a problem as I almost always exceed 50 mbps downloads and 15-20 mbps uploads on my home internet connection. (DVR) DVR is hooked to the latest version of a Mid-continent cable modem and an Airport Extreme router.
Please advise.

January 22, 2016

I tried using the DVR Interface and a mouse to control playback. Even that method has unsatisfactory results. I can search a channel using motion (I have all channels set to record on motion only) and I get all kinds of yellow area's on the time line. I cannot seem to get the playback to go to the points I am interested in. It starts playback at 00:00:00 and jumps from event to event at whatever speed I choose. If I try to move ahead to something I am interested in that happened around 13:00:00... I have to wait for playback to get there.
I may be doing something wrong, but if I am I need to know what it is. I click on the playback area and try to drag it to where I would like it to be, but it still snaps back to wherever it was.

Is it possible for us to try firmware? I have seen this issue once before on one of our HYBRID units, and firmware seemed to clear it up. Was not the exact issue, but close enough I am willing to try it. I will need the following to get the latest update:
Picture of the back of the unit, allows me to verify the layout of the board.
Exact model# and/or order# for this unit.
Current version and build date it is running.
Once I have those things I can look for a potential update for you. Now, keep in mind, I am not 100% certain this will clear up the issue with already recorder footage, but it may clear it up on new recordings bound to come in and stored. However, it may just solve both, we won't know unless we try. Thanks.

January 22, 2016

Posted to help others who may experience this!
First... thank you to Dan and Heath for working with me on this issue... and especially Heath who provided me an upgrade to my DVR. Turned out that there was no issue with the DVR, but it is nice to be running the latest firmware!
The issue was a simple newbie error all along! NOT the fault of the DVR.
The problem was my target was too small. Hard to click on a sliver on a timeline with a mouse.
My screen shots tell the story better! All is good again... unit works as advertised!

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