September 9, 2014

I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 and I'm trying to get the push notifications set up on the TechProSS Plus App. I've gone through and set up all the DVR information and selected which cameras I want to send push notifications and all, but I haven't received any push notifications. I have push notifications set up with my garage door opener and those come through fine. What am I missing here? Is there a hidden setting that I need to enable on my DVR or is it something in the app that I've overlooked? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Hello the DVR will send out email alerts for motion, video and power loss and other alarm notification we recommend using a gmail account when configuring the email alerts In the DVR email settings.Set up is easy inputing your email address and SMTP.
When using the Techpross plus app you can set push notifications for motion detect, camera masking, local alarm and disk alarm. Enabling motion notifications will notify you with a snap shot or video, you will have to configure the DVR FOR sub-stream recording. After a notification check the event list to play back video.
Here's a video on the set up
If you need help configuring this feature please contact us Monday thru Friday 9am to 6pm easten

May 4, 2013

I had the same problem. It's a well known issue that the older gdmss apps lost push notifications. Google changed their notification server addresses and it took an update earlier this year to gdmss to get push working again. For sure grab gdmss+ from the play store. I actually favor the plus app over the HD app. The menus in HD app just do not size well on my tablet, no matter what I tried to correct it.
My video review on it-
I've posted this info previously here. Hope this helps.
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