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View our DVRs, NVRs and IP cameras from your smart phone
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Brad Besner
Boca Raton, Florida
Forum Posts: 203
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March 9, 2013
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March 27, 2013 - 10:27 pm
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We have worked very hard to provide our customer with the most consistent, feature rich and advanced smart phone applications on the market. Though we do offer a huge selection of DVRs, NVRs and IP cameras, they all work with our smart phone applications. To find our applications, just go to either the I-Tunes Store or the Android Google Play store and search for TechproSS. You will find that we offer applications for your IPhone, IPad, Android Phone and Android Tablet in those stores. Additionally, we offer a Windows Mobile and Blackberry application as well.
Our applications are designed to connect to the substream of each of our devices so this allows you to connect to our cameras even in low bandwidth situations without compromising the quality of the mainstream which ensures that you will always have the highest quality recording.

Forum Posts: 5
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June 22, 2013
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June 24, 2013 - 5:35 pm
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I am having a problem accessing my DVR via my Iphone.  I have set up 3 other DVRs (static IPs) in the past and am able to access all of those.  This install is using a dynamic IP. I am able to access the DVR on the same network both via Explorer and my Iphone.  I have set up another device for "outside" access on my Iphone. I set up an account with dyndns using my external IP address (I had a friend log into my DVR from outside the system using Explorer and this external IP address with the port 88). I used the same IP with dyndns and selected "Host with IP address" as the service.

On the new device setup I used the dyndns hostname that I created under "address", port 88 that my friend was able to access, and the username and password for the DVR (admin).

On the DVR settings under network, DDNS, I have put in the following: Dyndns DDNS, server IP-members.dvrdns.org, port-88, domain name-the one I created on dyndns, username and password for the dyndns account, Alive Interval is set at 300.

Can you tell why my system is not working from outside the network on my Iphone based on what I have provided above?


Techpro Security
Forum Posts: 404
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March 27, 2013
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June 24, 2013 - 5:51 pm
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There are 2 thing are not correct here. The first thing is the address wile using DYNDNS on your Phone. On the phone you will need to use 37777 on the port field instead of 88. If you are using the dyndns address to access your DVR over internet explorer, then you will need to us :88 and the end of the address. The second thing I see is the configurations in the dyndns settings on the DVR. The Server IP is incorrect (members.dyndns.org), the port should be 80 and not 88. See this port is for the DVR to authenticate with DYNDNS servers so if the IP address have changed then the servers will not and it will update the information. Domain name is the one you created with DYNDNS as well as the username and password. take a look at this video: https://www.securitycameraking.....-DVR-Setup  The http port of the DVR doesn't need to be 80 even thought the video said to do so. At the time Dyndns devices need it to be on the same port as the dyndns client, fortunately  not anymore. 




Forum Posts: 5
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June 22, 2013
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June 24, 2013 - 9:05 pm
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Thanks for the help.  Laugh I am now able to access the DVR over my Iphone while off the network.

I changed the port to 80 on the dyndns setting on the DVR but I noticed that I also had the server IP name wrong.  I had members.dvrdns.org instead of members.dyndns.org (I used dvrdns for my domain name) The only questions I have on this are:

1) Is there a way to know if everything is correct with the dyndns setup before the ISP changes the IP address?

2) while going to canyouseeme.org, port 80 can not be seen. Is this normal or do I need to change something else?

Techpro Security
Forum Posts: 404
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March 27, 2013
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June 24, 2013 - 9:52 pm
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You can try to force it by turning your router off for a while or calling your ISP to refresh your dynamic IP. For the port 80 being open its going to be up to you have a device in the network with that port and its open in the router. You don't need to open port 80 for dyndns to work.

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