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Your 8 channel POE switch
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July 10, 2014 - 3:49 am
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Specifically, your POE-8MB1G, does it have a fan inside? I know the nvr's have a fan and if the switch has a fan too, that's a lot of noise. I'm actually torn at this point trying to decide on either a poe nvr, or a non-poe nvr with a poe switch. Many people recommend the latter. I'll have an 8 camera system. Thoughts? 

Jose Malave
Boca Raton, Florida
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July 10, 2014 - 8:25 am
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I personally have an NVR and a PoE switch. Pros of having this setup it I can gain access directly to the camera if I need to. If you have the camera connected to an NVR with a built in PoE switch it will not be in the same IP range this will not let you access the cameras directly although it does help with internal bandwidth since you are not using your router.

 Jose Malave - IT Director| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 | E-mail: support@securitycameraking.com

Forum Posts: 179
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July 10, 2014 - 9:01 pm
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If you have the camera connected to an NVR with a built in PoE switch it will not be in the same IP range this will not let you access the cameras directly although it does help with internal bandwidth since you are not using your router.


Thanks for this. Actually camera web interfaces can be reached if they're hooked up to a poe nvr, but it's a bit more of a pain I realize. But I'd rather do that, or even tweak the cameras first and then put them on the nvr poe. In my experience, once the cameras are dialed in it's rare that they need further tweaking anyway. From what you mention, it occurs to me that a poe nvr is actually like a parallel network, putting the cameras on a different, isolated subnet and switch. Since I will have eight 2mp cameras and view them remotely all night, I actually prefer the isolated subnet/switch to take the stress off of all eight cameras taking up router bandwidth. Either way I know that bandwidth will take a hit when I view my cameras remotely, which is why I always view sub stream. But overall, I believe there will be much less data traffic dragging my network down if I have the system on a poe nvr. Hopefully I have a grasp on that now, because it dictates what I purchase. Thanks again. 

Jose Malave
Boca Raton, Florida
Forum Posts: 820
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July 11, 2014 - 8:21 am
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I wrote an article about this not to long ago here: https://www.securitycameraking.....oe-switch/

Some will prefer the ability to access the cameras directly as you have other uses for the cameras like I utilize one of my cameras rtsp feed and snapshot for Automation purposes. 

 Jose Malave - IT Director| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 | E-mail: support@securitycameraking.com

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