Oregon Marijuana Laws
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Oregon Marijuana Laws

Oregon is now following after Colorado in the recreational marijuana industry. After decades of legislation, protest, petitions, and tax money the bans on cannabis have been lifted and the populus is rushing to fall in line with the legal specifications to grow, to buy, to sell, and to enjoy this controversial flower. Oregon marijuana laws ensure that dispensaries must meet every guideline in the law pertaining to marijuana and its distribution. Many in opposition to the legalization of marijuana can see some of the benefit of legalizing recreational marijuana.  Let Security Camera King guide you through the requirements for Security Surveillance Cameras. 

Oregon Marijuana Laws

Think about all the crime that will be eliminated by controlling the manufacturing and distribution of this sought after plant. Ensuring the safety, health, welfare of the citizens of the state of Oregon is the top priority for law enforcement officials that view prioritizing the state’s use of the police force very seriously. With a large and sometimes very rural area of the state being unpoliced and unguarded having the laws relaxed on marijuana will allow police to handle more serious crimes that need more attention instead of handling some meaningless traffic stop misdemeanor. In the past having laws banning oregon cannabis would tie up countless hours of police time and taxpayers dollars trying to stop people from doing what they are going to do no matter what laws are in place.  Oregon Marijuana laws are currently going through the same painstaking legal hurdles that early prohibitionist fought for.

Oregon Marijuana Laws

The boost in tax revenue for the state of Oregon in 2016 from January to July alone has been $25.5 million dollars added to the coffers of the state. Think of the states that would benefit from all this tax money; Fixing roads, building bridges, and maintaining the infrastructure of the state are some of the heavy burdens now lifted from Oregon marijuana laws. All the other state’s that are bringing in huge amounts of tax money on levels never seen before with any other product in the history of this county. The states around the country are slowly but surely making their own laws which are now against the federal government’s law that has decided to keep marijuana a schedule 2 drug on the same illegal level as heroin.

Since July, 1st 2015 the citizens of Oregon are allowed as many as four plants at home or on their property and you are allowed to have in your possession up to eight ounces of marijuana at home and you are allowed to carry up to one ounce with you at all times. You cannot sell or smoke recreational marijuana in any public place meaning at bars restaurants and parks. There are 91 reasons that measure 91 is a good idea the rest of the state’s have a limited amount of time before the masses wake up and demand that federal government steps aside and allows the freedom of this country to once again return to each individual that lives here. Oregon marijuana laws have created an industry that is now in full swing and making other parts of the country seem less free. Having regulations and taxation around a wild plant might seem like some terrific fantasy adventure to the average older individual but it has become a new reality to this generation.

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