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How to set up Tripwire and Intrusion

How To Set Up IVS Tripwire And Intrusion Detection On An Elite Recorder
Hi everyone! Today we have an instructional video and accompanying article. In this tutorial, we will be covering how to set up tripwire and intrusion detection using Intelligent Video Surveillance, also known as IVS, on one of our recorders. The best way to get this done is to access the recorder from your browser.  If you don’t know how to do that, check out our video tutorial on How To Access our Recorder From Your Web Browser. You can also access your recorder locally as the interfaces are strikingly similar. If you are using one of our recorders, please be advised that you should only be using one of our compatible cameras to set up IVS as there’s no compatibility guarantee with third-party hardware. Follow along with the video and if you like you can read the steps as well.

           How To Set Up IVS Tripwire And Intrusion Detection – PTZ Cameras

  1. First, log in to your recorder or your browser to get started. Once you are logged in, it should place you directly under the main menu.
  2. If you’re using a PTZ camera, you’ll need to first set up a preset in order to be able to use your IVS rules. Since we are using a PTZ camera for this example, let’s go to the Live View. If you don’t have a PTZ camera skip to step 6
  3. Once on the Live View, select the camera that you’ll be using and then double-click the center of the screen to expand the image.
  4. Once you have a full-sized image that you can properly manipulate, use the PTZ arrows on the control center to move the camera to a position you’re comfortable with. Once you have the position locked down, you can either set it as preset #1 or change the number and add it there.
  5. When the preset successfully adds, this will be indicated by the word ‘preset’ and the number appearing in the upper left-hand corner of the image.
  6. Now that you have your preset, it’s time to do the IVS rules. Return to the Main Menu by clicking the monitor in the upper right-hand corner. Depending on what kind of recorder you’re working with, you’ll have to access the IVS settings from one of two different menus on the left side.How To Set Up IVS Tripwire And Intrusion Detection – Smart Plan
  7. If you’re using the AI recorder, click AI. From here, you’ll need to de-collapse the parameters tab.
  8. Once de-collapsed, select Smart Plan. Make sure the channel you’re working with is selected and click the IVS light bulb then click OK in the bottom right-hand corner to save the setting.
  9. Returning to the parameters tab, we’re now going to need to click the IVS tab. If using a non-AI recorder, click Smart Detection. Next de-collapse the parameters tab then simply click IVS. From this point forward, the menu should be the same.

    How To Set Up IVS Tripwire And Intrusion Detection – Tripwire
  10. Switch back to a single screen. The first thing you’ll need to do once arriving on the IVS page is to make sure that you have selected the proper camera channel you are working with.
  11. When you’re ready to add a rule, click the plus sign. When the rule populates in, it will automatically be set to the Tripwire setting by default. The rule’s directional setting will also be set to All or Both, meaning if an object crosses the line either direction it will trigger the rule. You can make this a one-way line by setting A to B or B to A. You may have to click the Draw Rule box to start drawing but often the system is already unlocked.
  12. When ready, simply left-click on the screen to start your line and right-click to end your line. You can see the line created here and you can see an arrow going both ways across matching the Both directional setting we currently have.
  13. Setting A to B makes the arrow go one way and setting B to A makes it go another way. You’ll see that based on the way the arrow is set by the time the red car drives over the line that it would have ignored the car if we had saved and locked this rule down.
  14. We’re going to leave our rule set to Both. There are other parameters you can set, as well. If your recorder and camera are AI-capable, you can tell your system to ignore people or vehicles crossing the rule.
  15. If you have an auto-tracking PTZ, you can set a track time and check the box to have the camera track any object that crosses the rule. This is going to be set for a maximum of up to 300 seconds.
  16. There is also a period setting. What this does is allow you to set a schedule for the rule. Otherwise, by default, the rule will be active 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  17. Below the Period setting, you see a Post Record-setting. This indicates how long the record channel will record after the rule happens on a schedule that isn’t set to default record 24/7.
  18. From your Alarm Out option, you can have an alarm out trigger on any of your alarm ports when the alarm is triggered for the record channel. This tells any number of camera channels that are set and selected to record when this rule is triggered, even if it isn’t the same camera the rule is taking place on. The tour will cause any default tours to occur on any cameras that are set and you can find even more advanced PTZ settings and activation capabilities where any number of cameras can be told to use a preset or tour a pattern or a scan upon the activation of the rule.

    How To Set Up IVS Tripwire And Intrusion Detection – Intrusion
  19. Now that we’ve looked at all of our parameters, let’s see what it looks like to set up an intrusion rule. First, let’s clear out our existing rule than in the rule itself.
  20. Double-click when you see Tripwire. This will create a drop-down menu allowing you to change the rule to intrusion. To draw the intrusion box, left-click to start the first line and left-click to create a subsequent line.
  21. When completing the last line for your box, right-click to lock down the box. As you can see, the box is finished here. Unlike a tripwire, a box functions both ways on each of the lines all the time. Instead, you have the ability to set the appearance or a cross setting to whether or not something is inside the box, outside the box, or crosses the box.
  22. Outside of that, the other parameters are the same. When you’re done with your rule. Click OK. You now have tripwire and intrusion set up

Thank you for following along with our tutorial video and article on how to set up IVS tripwire and intrusion detection on one of our recorders. For more info on our products, or for questions about compatibility give our sales Pros a call at 561-288-5258. If you enjoyed the video or found it helpful, don’t forget to toss us a like and hit subscribe! Until next time- stay safe!

Related Media: How to Add Your Recorder to Your Smartphone
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