CCTV Articles

How To Add A Sibell Recorder to Sibell NVMS

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to add a Sibell Recorder to Sibell NVMS, which is the way we communicate with a recorder that has already been set up for P2P or port forwarding. If you haven’t taken care of that yet, be sure to check out our tutorial on How To Activate P2P On a Sibell Recorder first.

If you’re interested in purchasing any Sibell Products, security cameras, recorders, and more, visit our online security camera store. If you need further technical or sales assistance, please contact Security Camera King.

Pre-Setup Checklist

Before we get started, let’s check out our setup checklist.

  1. For either P2P or Port Forwarding, you’re going to want to double-check that your recorder is powered on and you can see your cameras on the local display.
  2. For P2P setups you’re going to need the Server Port, and the Serial Number of the unit. You will want to make sure that you have accessed your recorder locally and navigate to the NAT menu (found under network, under the main settings menu). Either leave the recorder on this screen or write down the serial number beneath the QR code. 
  3. For the Server Port, you can use the recorder and navigate to the PORT submenu (found under the Network Menu, under Settings). Write down the Server Port from the PORT page in the recorder.
  4. For port forwarding setups, you will need your Recorder’s Local IP, WAN IP, and the Server Port of the unit. Your WAN IP can be found by visiting from any computer connected to the same network as the recorder. To get the Local IP address of the recorder, log into the recorder and navigate to the TCP/IP menu (found under the network menu, under settings). You can find the IP listed here. Copy that down, then proceed to acquire the Server Port. For the Server Port, you can use the recorder and navigate to the PORT submenu (found under the Network Menu, under Settings). Write down the WAN IP from and Server Port from the PORT page in the recorder.
  5. Additionally, you’re going to need to download and install the Sibell NVMS Software (found on our Downloads page). This software is the program through which you will be able to view your cameras live streaming as well as playback footage.

Keep in mind you’re also going to need to know the username and password you would use to locally access your recorder. And that’s everything on the list. Let’s get started!

Adding a Sibell Recorder to Sibell NVMS

  • The first thing we will need to do is run Sibell NVMS for the first time. Once the program is opened, it’s going to prompt us to set up some user information, a user, a password, then confirm the password choice. After that, we will need to set up some security questions and answers. Once you’re done, click Register at the bottom of the page. (Note: The program is not asking you for existing information. It wants you to create a brand new username and password for it. Additionally, it’s a good idea to fill out the Security Questions as well.)  
  • Once you click Register, you should be taken directly to the Login Page. Enter your username and password and set any login parameters you desire, such as the auto-login settings. Then login. 
  • Next, you’ll be asked to select a drive for data backup. Select whichever drive you prefer and hit OK. 
  • Once the program loads, you’ll be in the main Control Panel screen. Now we need to add a device. The best way to do that is from the Device Menu. Click Device to open Device Menu.
  • Now we will be either setting up a recorder for Sibell NVMS using P2P or port forwarding. We will do P2P first. If you are doing port forwarding, skip ahead to the next section.

Sibell NVMS Using P2P

  • Click Add Device first. Be advised that if you have more than one monitor, you may have to drag that screen over to the main screen. From there, click Manually Add. 
  • We’re first going to name our device. We’re going to name our device P2P Cams. 
  • In the next frame, you’re going to have to choose a serial number setting instead of the IP it defaults to. Input the serial number you wrote down earlier.
  • For Protocol, leave it set to Sibell Device.
  • For Port, add the Port Input information you wrote down earlier. 
  • For Username, if you’re not using the default of admin, make sure to change it over.
  • For Password, input the password for your recorder. 
  • Once done, check Main Stream off and hit Add at the bottom of the page.

Sibell NVMS Using Port Forwarding
For port forwarding setup, there’s some important information you’ll want to know before we get started. Essentially, it might be difficult or even impossible for you to access your cameras using the LAN IP and forward ports we set up earlier if the computer you’re using is connected to the same network as the recorder. For that reason, we actually put two entries into the system when doing port forwarding – one for on-site and one for away. We’ll tell you how to do that now.

  • First, click Add Device. This may popular the window on a different monitor. If you’re using more, simply drag it over and click Manually Add on the next page.
  • The first thing we need to do is make a name for the first entry. We’ll name our device Home Cameras. 
  • After entering in that information, move to the next field and input the Local IP Address that you wrote down for the recorder earlier.
  • Next, make sure that the protocol is set to Sibell Device and input your Server Port under the Port field. 
  • Make sure that your username is set correctly.
  • Input the correct password for your recorder into the Password field.
  • Now check off the Main Stream box and move on to the second entry.
  • Since the second entry is for Away, we’ll call this Away Cams. Next input the WAN IP information that you wrote down for your recorder earlier and make sure that the rest of the information beyond the LAN IP matches the above Sibell device (Protocol, Port, Username, Password, Main Stream Off) and click Add.

Access Live View
Now that we’ve added our recorder and both of our entries into Sibell NVMS, we’ll show you how to access the Live View. Make sure you are back on the main Device page. You should see three entries here if you did all three of the above steps. If not, you will only see the entries you just created. 

Let’s take a look at Live View by clicking the plus sign at the top of the page.

On the next page, you’ll notice an empty viewport and a menu on the left. This root menu may or may not be collapsed. If it isn’t, go ahead and tap the arrow next to it to collapse it. You can then either double click the Root icon or a single camera to bring it up into the selected viewport.


Now that Sibell NVMS is set up and working, you can access your recorder through P2P or port forwarding on your computer – anywhere, anytime. If you’re interested in seeing some other useful features, be sure to check out our Video Vault for more tutorials!

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Adding a Sibell Recorder to Sibell NVMS

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