Articles explaining how to perform various CCTV installation and maintenance tasks

CCTV Articles, Digital Video Recorders, Elite Products, High Definition, HowTo Articles, Personal Security, Product Cameras, Security Camera, Security Systems, Surveillance Cameras, Surveillance Systems, Tribrid DVR

Buying a CCTV systems and what you should know part 1

I have recently been asked to do an interview to explain some of the basics that a novice consumer should look for in a security system.  With this I have decided to write down...

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CCTV Articles, Converters, Digital Video Recorders, Elite Products, High Definition, HowTo Articles, Knowledgebase, Network Video Recorder, Security Systems, Surveillance Systems, Tribrid DVR

Splitting Your HDMI Signal

  There are a multitude of reasons one might want to split a video signal from their Digital Video Recorder or Network Video Recorder: from being able to view it in multiple rooms in your...

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CCTV Articles, Digital Video Recorders, Elite Products, HowTo Articles, Security Camera, Surveillance Cameras, Surveillance Systems

Placing Elite IP Cameras on the channel you want with an Elite system that has a built in POE switch

One of the big problems that people call in about is that they have trouble placing elite IP cameras to the desired channel. People are expressing interest in seeing the cameras in a specific...

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CCTV Articles, HowTo Articles, IP Surveillance Cameras, Knowledgebase, License Plate Cameras, Outdoor Security Cameras, Product Cameras, Security Camera, Security Systems, Surveillance Cameras, Surveillance Systems

A Guide for License plate cameras

License plate cameras, why do we need them!? Well…..self-explanatory, to record license plates. Since a vehicle tag is a very valuable piece of information in any criminal investigation, it is understandable why private and...

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CCTV Articles, Converting Video, Decrypting, HowTo Articles, Indoor Security Cameras, IP Surveillance Cameras, Outdoor Security Cameras, Security Camera, Security Systems, Surveillance Cameras, Surveillance Systems

Options for Converting and Decrypting your CCTV video

If you've ever tried retrieving CCTV video and playing it back on a standard video player, you've probably had the harrowing experience of trying to open these tricky little .DAV files in your everyday,...

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CCTV Articles, How to connect the DVR over the Internet, HowTo Articles, IP Surveillance Cameras, Security Camera, Security Systems, Surveillance Cameras, Surveillance Systems, Surveillance Sysytems

How to set up your TechproDDNS Acct

How to set up your DVR for use with a TechProDDNS Domain One of the problems with viewing your DVR remotely is that if your Internet service Provider or (ISP) changes your IP address, you...

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CCTV Articles, Digital Video Recorders, HD-TVI Security System, How to connect the DVR over the Internet, HowTo Articles, IP Surveillance Cameras, Prime Products

Getting Started With The Prime Line

The Prime line of cameras, Network Video Recorders (NVRs) and Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) are now available at, so it's time to learn how to get started with one of these new devices....

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