CCTV Articles

Security Cameras for Car Dealerships

Investing in security cameras for car dealerships can ensure the safety of the expensive automobile inventory on-site. Most car dealerships will usually keep a large portion of their inventory outside, which can make them tempting targets for criminals. The variety of vehicles ranging from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars that are exposed during after-hours leaves a car dealership business vulnerable. Furthermore, surprise harsh weather can damage the vehicles and the property.

Modern security camera systems are able to provide car dealerships with innovative features and are easy to use at surprisingly affordable prices well suited to any budget. The following article will highlight considerations, benefits, and useful practices for implementing a video surveillance system in a car dealership setting. The security of any business, including a car dealership, is paramount to ongoing success. Security cameras are an investment in a business’ safety and future.

Considerations When Installing Security Cameras For Car Dealerships

In order to get the most out of security cameras for car dealerships, it is necessary to consider a number of factors. These factors can help decide what kind of security cameras and functions a car dealership will best benefit from and how to implement the security cameras. The best way to determine this is by asking certain questions.

One of these questions is, how many thefts have there been in the previous year? If there have been numerous thefts then it is clear the dealership has extreme security vulnerabilities. The local neighborhood in which a car dealership is located can be indicative of how many security cameras and what features are needed.

Even if a car dealership has not experienced any thefts in the previous year, some security cameras for car dealerships should still be adopted to ensure property and people remain safe. Criminal activity can fluctuate. Although one year may have very little incidents of theft, the following year could be dramatically different.

Another consideration involves identifying what parts of the dealership or garage are most susceptible to crime. Identifying these problem areas can help a car dealership owner determine where the best locations for security cameras may be. This can also save money by buying only the security cameras that are necessary.

One particular threat that all car dealerships are vulnerable to are organized car theft rings that will target car dealerships. If this has been a problem in the past it is important to invest in security cameras with video analytics that can identify faces.

Details such as clothing, appearance, and facial features can all be used as evidence following a crime or shared with law enforcement to prevent it. Finally, a dealership should consider what kind of security system is already in place and whether it is effective.

If the security camera system in use is an analog CCTV system then it is definitely time to upgrade to a more modern network IP security camera system. Analog CCTV systems are extremely limited in their functions and capability, often being virtually useless when they are needed most. Replacing an old analog CCTV system with network IP security cameras for car dealerships can save money in the long run and enhance security significantly.

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Benefits Of Security Cameras For Car Dealerships

Implementing security cameras for car dealerships can provide a number of benefits that will enhance the security of the business. Below are just some of the advantages dealerships can expect.
Deter Crime
Every business, including car dealerships, must make preventing intrusion and crime one of their utmost responsibilities in order to ensure the safety of property and people. Security cameras are one of the best deterrents of crime that a property can implement, particularly with the innovative technology that has become standard in modern video surveillance. Studies have consistently shown that the mere presence of security cameras can completely deter criminals. This is because criminals will always choose the easiest and most vulnerable target.
Protect The Inventory
As mentioned previously, car dealerships have a much more expensive inventory than compared with other retail businesses. Furthermore, a large portion of their automobile inventory is left outside after hours, which can be a tempting target for criminals and organized car theft rings. Maintaining the security of the dealership is paramount and security cameras can provide a powerful layer of defense. Features such as motion detection and interconnectivity with internet-enabled devices mean the moment a motion detector is triggered, the property manager or security personnel are automatically notified.
Keep Employees, Customers, And Buildings Safe
Although protecting the inventory is an important priority, keeping visitors and employees safe is equally important to the continued success of the dealership. Security cameras for car dealerships can keep security and other staff aware of any security concerns that may come up during the day and after hours. Security cameras can also improve the performance of a dealership’s security staff by keeping them alert with notifications. Remote viewing is another feature that security personnel can benefit from, allowing them to view video feeds while on patrol.
IP cameras within a wireless network security system easily allow dealerships to integrate new technology and features when they become available. The network IP security system can also be integrated into an ID card timekeeping system that can make tracking employee hours much easier. They can also be integrated into air conditioning and heating systems along with physical security systems like car alarms and door locks.

Beneficial Practices For Implementing Security Cameras For Car Dealerships

When adopting security cameras for car dealerships, there are some useful tips that users can use to best implement their new video surveillance solution. Although some security cameras work well in certain environments, these tips can help most situations. It is helpful to combine a variety of security camera types to create a comprehensive security system with a far reach.

One beneficial tip when using outdoor security cameras is to ensure they are placed in protective housing that can protect them from vandalism and harsh weather conditions. Storage, maintenance, and employee-only areas are important locations to place security cameras. Monitoring these areas can keep personal belongings and important or dangerous equipment safe.  

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Security Cameras for Car Dealerships

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